.. _plugin_introduction: IMASViz and plugins =================== IMASViz comes with many features bundled in: database reader and browser, preview plot feature, multiple different plotting utilities for 0D and 1D data, adding data to existing plots, different plot views, managing the opened databases, figures etc. IMASViz allows to add a new functionality through plugins (Python3). Plugins can be used to extend IMASViz in several ways: - Add a new advanced data visualization utilities for specific IDS or group of IDSs - Add a customized user interface (UI) for specifying the necessary parameters or for performing various customized actions - Add utilities for managing the data, checking the database contents - And moreā€¦ This section is intended for developers and it will cover the basics on how to create plugins for IMASViz. Currently the development and use of non-official plugins is available only when using **IMASViz from cloned GIT repository** (see section :ref:`running_from_source`). The source files of all plugins can be found in ``$VIZ_HOME/imasviz/VizPlugins``.