.. include:: ../icons.inc .. _signal_node_selection: Node selection features ======================= :guilabel:`IMASViz` offers the user the ability to set or mark a selection of plottable arrays (nodes) as once. This way plotting multiple plots to the same :guilabel:`Figure` or to a :guilabel:`MultiPlot View` is more convenient and faster, avoiding "one-by-one" plotting. .. Note:: How to plot selection is described later in section :ref:`plotting_1d_arrays`. In the continuation of this section different methods of node selection are described. Select One-by-one ----------------- To select nodes one by one, first, right-click on the wanted node. From the shown pop-up menu, select the command :guilabel:`Select ` |icon_plus|. .. figure:: images/DTV_popupmenu_select.png :align: center :scale: 75% Selecting a plottable node. The selected node label gets colored red, indicating that it is added to the selection. .. figure:: images/DTV_node_red.png :align: center :scale: 75% Node colored red -> node is selected. Repeat that procedure until all wanted nodes are selected. .. figure:: images/DTV_node_selection.png :align: center :scale: 75% Example of multiple nodes selection. .. Note:: At the same time, nodes from other opened IDS databases too can be selected. Select All Nodes of the same Structure (AOS) -------------------------------------------- To select all nodes of the same structure (same node structure type), right-click on one of the nodes and from the shown popup-menu select the option :guilabel:`Select All Nodes From The Same AOS` |icon_plus3x|. .. figure:: images/DTV_popupmenu_select_AOS.png :align: center :scale: 75% Selecting plottable nodes of the same structure/type. All nodes of the same structure will be selected and their label will be colored to red, indicating that they were added to the selection. .. figure:: images/DTV_node_selection_AOS.png :align: center :scale: 75% Node colored red -> node is selected. All plottable nodes of the same structure/type are selected, in this case, 17 nodes. Save Node Selection Configuration --------------------------------- Any node selection can be saved to a configuration file and used later with any opened IMAS database. To save a selection, follow the next steps: 1. In the main tree browser menu navigate to **Node Selection** -> **Save Node Selection**. 2. In opened GUI window type the name of the configuration. .. figure:: images/SavePlotSelection_dialog.png :align: center :scale: 75% Save Node Selection Dialog. 3. Press **OK** button. .. Note:: The configurations are saved to ``$HOME/.imasviz`` folder. .. _apply_selection_from_configuration: Apply Selection From Saved Configuration ---------------------------------------- Applying saved node selection can be performed using both :guilabel:`Node Selection Configuration` and :guilabel:`MultiPlot Configuration`. Apply Selection From Saved Node Selection Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To apply selection from :guilabel:`Node Selection Configuration`, follow the next steps: 1. In the main tree browser menu navigate to **Actions** -> **Apply Configuration**. In the shown window switch to :guilabel:`Available Node Selection Configurations` tab. .. figure:: images/ApplyPlotConfiguration_NodeSelection.png :align: center :scale: 75% :guilabel:`Apply Node Selection Configuration` tab. 2. Select the configuration from the list. 3. Press **Apply selection only**. The signal nodes, found in the configuration file, will then be selected. Apply Selection From MultiPlot Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To apply selection from :guilabel:`MultiPlot Configuration`, follow the next steps: .. seealso:: How the create MultiPlot Configuration is described in :ref:`TPV`. 1. In Main Tree View Window menu navigate to **Actions** -> **Apply Configuration**. In the shown window switch to :guilabel:`Apply Plot Configuration` tab. .. figure:: images/ApplyPlotConfiguration_window.png :align: center :scale: 75% :guilabel:`Apply Plot Configuration` tab. 2. Select the configuration from the list. 3. Press **Apply selection only**. The signal nodes, found in the configuration file, will then be selected. Unselect selected Node Signals ------------------------------ There are few features that allow node signal unselection. Unselect One-by-one ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To unselect nodes one by one, first, right-click on the selected node. From the shown pop-up menu, select the command :guilabel:`Unselect ` |icon_minus|. .. figure:: images/DTV_popupmenu_unselect.png :align: center :scale: 75% Unselecting plottable node. Unselect All ~~~~~~~~~~~~ To unselect all selected nodes, first, right-click on the selected node. From the shown pop-up menu, select the command :guilabel:`Unselect Nodes` |icon_minus3x| -> :guilabel:`This IMAS Database` |icon_thisDTV| or :guilabel:`All IMAS Databases` |icon_allDTV|. .. figure:: images/DTV_popupmenu_unselect_all.png :align: center :scale: 75% Unselecting multiple plottable nodes at once.